Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Get Onboard the Uranium Push!

You hear all this talk about the price of Crude Oil and Natural Gas, but when was the last time you heard about the simply amazing 750% rise in the price of Uranium. If Crude had a similar move upward it would be selling at over $200 a barrel! So which commodity is really the scarce one here.

The story is really very simple, the world has fallen asleep at the wheel on fueling nuclear technology. China is building nuclear power plants at a huge rate as is India. I expect this to come back to life in the U.S. as well.

The chart below is only updated through 2001, but you can plainly see that the demand for uranium has far outstripped the supply being mined. This can only mean much higher prices.

Below you will find a chart of the price of Uranium from 1995 to current, moving from $10 per pound to over $75 per pound. As a matter of fact uranium is currently trading over $85 per pound.

Trust me, this is only the start of the rise in Uranium prices as demand will only increase and there is already a huge supply gap in place.

So how do we take advantage of this situation.
There are a few stocks that have excellent potential to fully capitalize on this push of the world into nuclear power. I will give you a couple over the next week, but you can do some looking on your own as well. There is excellent long term prospects for the sector.


txdave said...

More about you would likely encourage people to read your blog.

What is the open outcry markets???

Nice looking blog, more photos, graphs would be good.

Take a look at


good luck


Currents of Emotion said...
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Andy said...

Looks good a lot of interesting advice....not my area of expretise but keep up the good and please keep coming to my blog...


Andy said...

hahah good one about the DNC....Look foward to the debates.

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